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Discover What’s on Molly’s Menu

It depends on what’s in season, what looks and smells good at the market,
and what inspires the Chef daily.

Inspiration can come from the weather, an enticing bottle of wine that begs to be paired accordingly, a meal at a local restaurant, or a culinary trip across the world.

Food is the medium and the canvas can be expansive or simple, so long as the flavors, textures and temperatures harmonize in a way that charms the palate.

Reviving the art of cooking in your home means reconnecting with the food you eat, understanding how to distinguish the best ingredients, and learning a few fundamental techniques that can be applied to many recipes.

Why be a spectator when you can immerse yourself in one of the most integral and pleasurable aspects of life?

or scroll down for the latest recipes!

Molly's Latest Recipes